Water Leak in Japanese Rental Apartment: Advice for Renters

Cupboard water leak

This article contains the long and arduous process of fixing the water leak caused by the upstairs tenant of my apartment complex. In a nutshell, a hole in the hot water pipe in the floor above my apartment room caused water damage to a portion of my room’s interior in addition to a few personal items. A claim was filed and covered by the management company’s corporate insurance which included compensation for personal item damage (and hotel accomodation during water repairs). As I was 0% at fault there was no cost to me out-of-pocket.

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Protecting Your Cryptocurrencies – Online and Offline

The cryptocurrency universe continues to grow in popularity in the wake of global turmoil and COVID-19. Despite such uncertainties with the economy and unemployment levels soaring following the first outbreak of COVID-19, younger individuals in the workforce are eyeing cryptocurrencies as a method of investment. Just last week I was pleasantly surprised to hear both my older and younger brother asking me, a three-year cryptocurrency HODLer, the best and practical way of dipping their feet into cryptocurrencies. As I was explaining cryptocurrencies and its risks and how to properly HODL them, I noticed this topic can be extensive and would benefit the masses if compiled into an article such as this one.

So here it is: a live post on tips and advice to secure and protect your crypto from falling out of your hands. Owning cryptocurrencies not only involves risk with its price, but also how it is handled – a small hack or simply a wrong transfer can cause your entire portfolio to vanish in an instant, and once the transactions are verified and carved into the crypto’s ledger one will undoubtedly be at the mercy of the recipient.

Read on to prevent the above from ever happening to you.

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